Archive for November 21st, 2004

November 21, 2004: 9:44 pm: Game systems

So, Clinton R. Nixon, one of the head guys at The Forge and designer of fine games like The Shadow of Yesterday, Paladin, and Donjon, started this thread by posting Clinton’s Fourth Axiom of Game Design:

Any good RPG can, with a minimum of effort, be used to play Jedi.

A little ways into the thread he was challenged to play Jedi using Kill Puppies for Satan. His response?

Kill Rebels for Palpatine

You’re a Dark Jedi, one of hundreds turned out by the Sith Academy in the rising days of the Empire. Almost every one of you has minimal power, but that’s the way evil empires work: churn out a hundred expendables instead of one good soldier. Because you’re not powerful enough to actually use, you get a mid-level Empire job. Maybe you’re a Stormtrooper, or maybe an overseer of a colonized village. Either way, it blows, and being you ain’t so great either, so you use the little power you have to lord it over everyone around you.


: 9:00 pm: Cons

For those who haven’t seen the news elsewhere, I thought I’d mention that we’ve opened registration for The Black Road 2005.

The Black Road 2005 will be held from June 24-26, and we will once again be at the Embassy Suites Marlborough in Marlborough,MA. Registration and game submission are now both open, and you can register at — please note that early bird registration closes on Jan 31st, at which point the prices go up. There is a $5 discount for those that register as GM’s and submit a game to run (see The final deadline for both registration and game submission is April 22nd, but it’s never too early to send in your games.

Other details are available on our website, and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. We hope to see in you in Marlborough in June!