There’s a new announcement about The Mountain Witch posted over at the timfire publishing website, and there’s also a picture of the very nice cover art for the book.

(7/30/05) The book is DONE!!! As we speak, the file is in the hands of RPI, a fine POD printing servie. The books will be in my hands in about 2–2.5 weeks, just in time to premier the game at GenCon. If anyone is going to be there, you can stop by the Forge booth (#1332), meet the designer, and check out the game.

The book is going to be a 162 page 5.5 x 8.5 softcover with color illustrations. The book will retail for $24 from IPR. There will also be a PDF version for $18, and a print/PDF combo for $35.

Though I was originally planning on releasing the PDF ahead of the print version, due to the vagaries of layout, formatting, and scheduling, I’ve decide to hold off on releasing the PDF until GenCon, to time with the release of the print version.

I’ll keep my fingers crossed for the printer coming through as planned, and I’ll be looking forward to ordering my own copy of The Mountain Witch after GenCon.