I asked this over on The Masters’ Council, but I’ll ask here too:
For some time now, I’ve been planning on running a Buffy campaign with just one player, who would be playing the Slayer.
The whole thing was put on hold for a while, and now that I’m thinking about it again, I’m wondering if there is some system other than the B:tVS RPG that might work out better. Maybe something that puts more authorial power in the hands of the player, possibly something that’s more of a Narrativist/Sim blend.
Any suggestions for what that system might be? Indie games would be preferred, but it’s not a requirement. Non-D20 is a requirement.
January 25th, 2006 at 12:23 am
Wow, rough question.
Solo game, slayer…I could see Sorcerer working.
I could see Dogs in the Vineyard perhaps working. Yeah.
What do you want out of this? What kind of game do you see at the table?
Drop me an e-mail when you respond and I’ll come back to continue.