Archive for October 2nd, 2006

October 2, 2006: 10:25 pm: Miscellaneous, Playing

Since this seems to have now migrated from LJ into the rest of the blogosphere, I guess I’ll give it a shot.

Name 12 characters you have played in RPGs, before looking at the questions that follow. List your characters numbered 1 to 12, with the name of the RPG you played them in. Once you’ve picked your 12 characters, look at the questions and answer accordingly. (No peeking until you’ve picked your characters!) Put your answers behind a cut.

  1. Jerrym (Amber Diceless RPG)
  2. Captain Wesley Hobart (ADRPG variant)
  3. Alishish “The Damned” Rajish (fantasy heartbreaker)
  4. Alexander Kovalev (GURPS Fatherland)
  5. Greunthard (GURPS Discworld)
  6. Marcellus Hamlin (D&D 3.5)
  7. Brother Virgil (Dogs in the Vineyard)
  8. Amir bin Muhammad bin Ibrahim bin Nasir bin Safwan Al-Majid (aka The Mad Arab) (ADRPG variant)
  9. Alvaro Lopez (ADRPG variant)
  10. Tony Chen (aka Fat Chen) (ADRPG variant)
  11. Garrinton (Timemaster/GURPS hybrid)
  12. Benedict Pons (ADRPG variant)


: 8:03 pm: Cons

If you’ve attended Ambercon North in Toronto in the past, and would like to have the chance to maybe do so again in the future, go by Tymen’s livejournal and offer your opinion on one possible hotel choice.

I’m sure he’d also appreciate any other help you might be willing to offer.