September 1, 2005

Forecasting: August 2005

Culinary books which sold to publishers in August 2005. Garnered from a variety of sources.


New York chef Sara Jenkins's THE ELEMENT OF FLAVOR, 200 sublime recipes that teach how to coax big flavors from simple ingredients, to Houghton Mifflin.

Cat Cora's CAT CORA'S COOKING FROM THE HIP, fast and easy recipes by a Food Network personality and the first female member on American "Iron Chef," to Houghton Mifflin.

Restaurateur of the Michael's restaurants in New York and Santa Monica Michael McCarty's MICHAEL'S COOKBOOK, recipes from the restaurants and anecdotes about entertaining powerful patrons, to Bulfinch.

Chris Warren's FEASTS FROM PARADISO, celebrating Tuscan feasts and harvest in a calendar year, with a running narrative of recreating traditional caves used for cooking and winemaking, to DK.

Dina Cheney's TASTE THIS!: The Complete At-Home Guide to Tasting Parties, to DK.

A.J. Rathbun's PARTY SNACKS!, a humorous 50-recipe cocktail food cookbook and companion to Rathbun's Party Drinks!, to Harvard Common Press.


Julia Child's executive chef and book collaborator Nancy Verde Barr's DIDN'T WE HAVE FUN?: My Years with Julia Child, a fond and humorous appreciation of the culinary maven, to Wiley.

The Editors of Weight Watchers's WEIGHT WATCHERS NEW COMPLETE COOKBOOK: Over 500 Delicious Recipes for the Healthy Cook's Kitchen, complete with Points, CORE recipes, and nutritional information, to Wiley.

Posted by Jennifer at September 1, 2005 9:27 PM | TrackBack
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