January 7, 2007

Spiced Braised Leg of Lamb

Spiced Braised Leg of Lamb
from Eric Lecerf

What goes better with lamb than vibrant spices, such as coriander, cumin and curry? Here Lecerf presents one of his most popular dishes, a leg of lamb that is braised ever so slowly with a little stock in the oven until it is very tender.

4 garlic cloves, minced
1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon thyme leaves
1 tablespoon cumin seeds
2 teaspoons finely chopped rosemary
2 teaspoons curry powder
2 teaspoons fine sea salt
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin
1 teaspoon ground coriander
1 teaspoon coriander seeds
1 teaspoon coarsely ground white pepper
One 5-pound half leg of lamb, preferably from the hip section
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
2 cups chicken stock or canned low-sodium broth

Preheat the oven to 250°. In a small bowl, combine the garlic with the thyme, cumin seeds, rosemary, curry, salt, ground cumin and coriander, coriander seeds and white pepper. Cut 16 slits, each about 1 inch long by 1 inch deep and spaced 1 inch apart, in the meat. Rub the spice mixture all over the lamb, working it into the slits. Set aside any spice mixture that does not adhere.

In a medium flameproof casserole, heat the oil. Add the lamb and lightly brown it on all sides over moderate heat, about 2 minutes per side. Add the stock and any remaining spice mixture. Cover with a sheet of buttered wax paper and a lid. Braise the lamb in the oven for 3 hours, or until very tender. Check the meat from time to time and baste as necessary to prevent it from drying out.

Transfer the lamb to a carving board. Strain the cooking juices through a fine sieve; skim the fat. Transfer the juices to a gravy boat. Thickly slice the lamb and serve with the juices.

Notes: This was for New Year's Eve and I intended to attempt something ambitious with a leg of lamb that I had in the freezer. Which is why, when I saw this recipe on the Food & Wine site and then discovered that Eric Lecerf was a chef of some reknown (Michelin star, worked at Robuchon's kitchen at Jamin in Paris and then at Restaurant de l'Astor in the Paris Hotel Astor), I knew this was the one to try. And all the work was quite rewarding. I've become a big fan of braising lately, even if the prep takes some investment and the waiting takes some patience.

One of the other lovely things about braising meat is the leftovers. Even though I used a partial leg that was about half the size (and reduced the other ingredients accordingly), this provided me with enough that I made a followup risotto dish using the leftover juices as part of the stock and the leftover meat shredded into the dish as well. Very nice.

Posted by Jennifer at January 7, 2007 3:51 PM | TrackBack

This was amazing.... incredibly flavorful with meat that was almost falling off the bone on its own. Yum.

And the risotto made with the leftover meat and stock was darned good too.

Posted by: Michael at January 29, 2007 9:27 PM


This is th3 rozorz!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Cravin Moorehead at October 18, 2007 12:51 PM

i made this for thanksgiving dinner it was awesome

Posted by: jan at November 28, 2008 3:13 PM

Sa mere la pute le poulet c'est bonde ! Mashallah ++

Posted by: Ton pere le tyrex at July 23, 2018 6:14 AM

Les hommes d'un même sang doivent appartenir au même Reich (Etat). Le mouvement national-socialiste doit rassembler notre peuple pour marcher sur la route qui le conduira de son espace vital, actuellement restreint, à la possession de terres nouvelles.

Adolf Hitler

Posted by: Suce ma bite salope at July 23, 2018 6:17 AM

ta mere la pute le poulet mashallah ++
cordialement milan hommet

Posted by: ta mere la pute fils de pute at July 23, 2018 6:18 AM

Spiced Braised Leg of Lamb
from Eric Lecerf

What goes better with lamb than vibrant spices, such as coriander, cumin and curry? Here Lecerf presents one of his most popular dishes, a leg of lamb that is braised ever so slowly with a little stock in the oven until it is very tender.

4 garlic cloves, minced
1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon thyme leaves
1 tablespoon cumin seeds
2 teaspoons finely chopped rosemary
2 teaspoons curry powder
2 teaspoons fine sea salt
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin
1 teaspoon ground coriander
1 teaspoon coriander seeds
1 teaspoon coarsely ground white pepper
One 5-pound half leg of lamb, preferably from the hip section
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
2 cups chicken stock or canned low-sodium broth

Preheat the oven to 250°. In a small bowl, combine the garlic with the thyme, cumin seeds, rosemary, curry, salt, ground cumin and coriander, coriander seeds and white pepper. Cut 16 slits, each about 1 inch long by 1 inch deep and spaced 1 inch apart, in the meat. Rub the spice mixture all over the lamb, working it into the slits. Set aside any spice mixture that does not adhere.

In a medium flameproof casserole, heat the oil. Add the lamb and lightly brown it on all sides over moderate heat, about 2 minutes per side. Add the stock and any remaining spice mixture. Cover with a sheet of buttered wax paper and a lid. Braise the lamb in the oven for 3 hours, or until very tender. Check the meat from time to time and baste as necessary to prevent it from drying out.

Transfer the lamb to a carving board. Strain the cooking juices through a fine sieve; skim the fat. Transfer the juices to a gravy boat. Thickly slice the lamb and serve with the juices.

Notes: This was for New Year's Eve and I intended to attempt something ambitious with a leg of lamb that I had in the freezer. Which is why, when I saw this recipe on the Food & Wine site and then discovered that Eric Lecerf was a chef of some reknown (Michelin star, worked at Robuchon's kitchen at Jamin in Paris and then at Restaurant de l'Astor in the Paris Hotel Astor), I knew this was the one to try. And all the work was quite rewarding. I've become a big fan of braising lately, even if the prep takes some investment and the waiting takes some patience.

One of the other lovely things about braising meat is the leftovers. Even though I used a partial leg that was about half the size (and reduced the other ingredients accordingly), this provided me with enough that I made a followup risotto dish using the leftover juices as part of the stock and the leftover meat shredded into the dish as well. Very nice.

Posted by: iyuiitgyg at July 23, 2018 6:19 AM

Prostituée en 1890.
Prostituée en 1890.

Prostituée à Tijuana, au Mexique.
Prostituée à Tijuana, au Mexique.
La prostitution (du latin prostitutio) est une forme d'échange économico-sexuel ponctuelle, explicite et préalablement négociée. Elle est à 80 % exercée par des femmes ou des fillettes1 même s'il existe une prostitution masculine. Les études sur la prostitution montrent que « l'immense majorité des clients de la prostitution sont des hommes »2,3. En France, selon les chiffres de la proposition de loi visant à sanctionner les clients de prostituées de 2013, 99 % des clients sont des hommes alors que 85 % des prostituées sont des femmes4. En 2012, de 40 à 42 millions de personnes se prostituent dans le monde, neuf sur dix d'entre elles dépendent d'un proxénète et les trois quarts d'entre elles ont entre 13 et 25 ans1. Le statut légal de la prostitution varie selon les pays et peut également être classé de l'illégalité aux activités légales professionnelles. En 2010, les revenus annuels de la prostitution sont estimés à plus de 187 milliards de dollars5. Un à deux millions de femmes dans le monde sont vendues chaque année comme des objets sexuels pour la prostitution par des réseaux internationaux, la majeure partie venant de pays pauvres pour être exploitées dans des pays riches6.

D'un point de vue législatif, on peut distinguer trois conceptions de la prostitution, produisant trois approches politiques des États sur son exercice : le réglementarisme, l'abolitionnisme (et sa variante néo-abolitionniste) et le prohibitionnisme.

La prostitution est régulièrement l'objet de vives controverses entre politiques, intellectuels et féministes qui sont en faveur d'une légalisation de l'activité et ceux qui sont partisans de son interdiction7.

Posted by: Suck all paname sboubs at July 23, 2018 6:20 AM

What goes better with lamb than vibrant spices, such as coriander, cumin and curry? Here Lecerf presents one of his most popular dishes, a leg of lamb that is braised ever so slowly with a little stock in the oven until it is very tender.

4 garlic cloves, minced
1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon thyme leaves
1 tablespoon cumin seeds
2 teaspoons finely chopped rosemary
2 teaspoons curry powder
2 teaspoons fine sea salt
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin
1 teaspoon ground coriander
1 teaspoon coriander seeds
1 teaspoon coarsely ground white pepper
One 5-pound half leg of lamb, preferably from the hip section
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
2 cups chicken stock or canned low-sodium broth

Preheat the oven to 250°. In a small bowl, combine the garlic with the thyme, cumin seeds, rosemary, curry, salt, ground cumin and coriander, coriander seeds and white pepper. Cut 16 slits, each about 1 inch long by 1 inch deep and spaced 1 inch apart, in the meat. Rub the spice mixture all over the lamb, working it into the slits. Set aside any spice mixture that does not adhere.

In a medium flameproof casserole, heat the oil. Add the lamb and lightly brown it on all sides over moderate heat, about 2 minutes per side. Add the stock and any remaining spice mixture. Cover with a sheet of buttered wax paper and a lid. Braise the lamb in the oven for 3 hours, or until very tender. Check the meat from time to time and baste as necessary to prevent it from drying out.

Transfer the lamb to a carving board. Strain the cooking juices through a fine sieve; skim the fat. Transfer the juices to a gravy boat. Thickly slice the lamb and serve with the juices.

Notes: This was for New Year's Eve and I intended to attempt something ambitious with a leg of lamb that I had in the freezer. Which is why, when I saw this recipe on the Food & Wine site and then discovered that Eric Lecerf was a chef of some reknown (Michelin star, worked at Robuchon's kitchen at Jamin in Paris and then at Restaurant de l'Astor in the Paris Hotel Astor), I knew this was the one to try. And all the work was quite rewarding. I've become a big fan of braising lately, even if the prep takes some investment and the waiting takes some patience.

One of the other lovely things about braising meat is the leftovers. Even though I used a partial leg that was about half the size (and reduced the other ingredients accordingly), this provided me with enough that I made a followup risotto dish using the leftover juices as part of the stock and the leftover meat shredded into the dish as well. Very nice.

Posted by: Ton pere le tyrex at July 23, 2018 6:22 AM

Tous les noirs nous sont inferieurs, ils doivent etre reduits en esclavage et sucer des grosses queues (Ex: poutre de bamako)

Posted by: Suck all paname sboubs at July 23, 2018 6:24 AM
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