Peach Lambic Sorbet
Recipe adapted from Apple Pie, Patis, and Pate
adapted from Food & Wine Magazine
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup water
3 cups peeled, sliced peaches (about 8 medium)
1 cup peche lambic
Heat the sugar, honey, and water in a small saucepan just until the sugar is completely dissolved. Set aside and cool completely.
Slice the peaches, being sure to discard the pit and starchy centers. Puree in blender until smooth. Mix in the syrup and the lambic.
Pour slowly into already-churning ice cream maker. After about 25-30 minutes, remove to freezer to firm up. At least 4 hours.
Notes: The version I read online was for a raspberry mix but as peach ice cream had been recently mentioned to me by the same dinner guests for whom this was prepared, I decided to go that route instead. It was just the thing for a hot summer evening, with a creamy, smooth texture and taste that was light on the tongue.