Two nations

November 3rd, 2004 – 9:26 pm
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Here’s another very good post-election piece, this time from Katrina vanden Heuvel of The Nation.

And we should be thinking about the indispensable work of resistance. We need to identify legislative and administrative choke points where Bush’s initiatives can be blocked, and make clear to both legislators and their constituents that the days of go-along in the interest of non-partisan comity have to stop.

We need to give a clear sense of priorities and red-lines so that people aren’t fatigued by constantly being asked to protest–and we need to identify and work for some early victories, at both the local and national (and international) levels…BECAUSE we all need to remember, and remind ourselves, and everyone else that there are two Nations–not Bush’s America and some dissenters– especially since I’d be willing to bet that numerically there are more of us.

In the end, this election is about what kind of people we are, what kind of country we’ll be. Half of the electorate dissents from Bushism. The election still represents an expression of the strength of opposition to the radical and reckless course Bush has followed, despite the ugly campaign.

Unlike 1972, when Democrats were wiped out everywhere–in 2004 there is an emerging progressive infrastructure capable of standing and fighting. Progressives should build on those structures put in place in this last cycle and redouble their commitment to economic justice, peace and environmental movements that can make real change.

In the streets of New York on August 29th on the eve of the Republican National Convention and in precincts across America these past few months, millions of people stood up for democracy. This is the heart and soul of this country and it will be the heart and soul of the defense of our rights and liberties in the months to come.

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