Archive for 'Environment'

Nice priorities, Mister President

August 28th, 2005 – 3:36 pm
Tagged as: Environment

New Orleans may well be destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. There’s a roundup of coverage going on over at Making Light. So what does President Bush do? He gets live coverage of what is supposed to be him talking about the upcoming disaster, and then spends the majority of the time talking about Iraq. He’s such […]

ExxonMobil on the end of plentiful oil

May 31st, 2005 – 7:53 pm
Tagged as: Environment

An article in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists reveals that ExxonMobil has now joined the ranks of those who are predicting that non-OPEC oil production will peak soon. Without any press conferences, grand announcements, or hyperbolic advertising campaigns, the Exxon Mobil Corporation, one of the world’s largest publicly owned petroleum companies, has quietly joined […]